Tuesday, October 7, 2014

by following fake preachers

 In the last few months I used to have some debates with the admins of facebook page on 'star plus factually incorrect mahabharat'.The admins both men,one a maharashtrian,one from up settled in the us are hardcore chaitanya cult,madhwa cult followers and who think krishna is a god rather than vishnu.Krishna should be seen as an amsh of vishnu only.He is not an independent god.And they used star mahabharata to spread their version of mahabharata.They have written long posts on mahabharata before and now they write on characters.They view on karna is that he is evil,and they used to hype arjuna a lot.I used to counter them and tell them the true facts..But they used to abuse me saying that I am abuser of girls!.Their view is what is spread by the fake preachers of madhwa cult,chaitanya cult.This is derived from madhwa's commentary on Mahbharata.That is also a biased commentary as madhwa started a vashnava cult.They believed that karna was a jealous person,an evil person who was not that virtous.pandavas were greater than him in virtue and Arjuna was greater than him in archery.They are also heavily influenced by madhwa's commentary.They believe the fake preachers who say karna ordered disrobing,karna plotted to kill pandavas with duryodhana on the ghosha yatra.They make the biggest mistake when they think that karna didnt follow krihsna's instructions and before the mahabharat war and join the pandavas!.This shows their ignorance.I have written a post on Karna,Krishna conversation on this blog where karna comapres the war with a maha yagya,and says all the kauravas,bhisma drona and he will be killed.And he rejects the entire aryavarta kingdom and chose to fight as a warrior.This will be seen as a virtue by anyone.But the biased cult followers think karna did the wrong thing here.Here is a  fake preacher views on karna whom the admins believe.http://www.romapadaswami.com/node/2143
Infact these views seem to be borrowed from madhwa's commentary.This fake preacher is also fake and a self proclaimed preacher.This is the link.
So when people believe some people without reasoning then they are the losers.They dont even know how ignorant they are.

Although I give the benefit to madhwa becasue he might not have said karna is evil.Its the later followers who said that.

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