Monday, May 5, 2014

About different kinds of sons :karna as heir to pandu

 Its well known that kana is a kaniya putra to pandu,that is a son born to wife before she is married.And that he is also a legal heir to kingdom.Although he cant claim the kingdom as pandu's first son.There are some claims that karna has been adopted by adirataha and he cant be pandu's son,and he will be always be called as son of adiratha with the kauravas or pandavas if joins them.Its an interesting manupulation of the laws,rules that existed at that time.Some facts being changed,and bhishma's words of some parva of mahabharata being quoted.It shows lack of knowledge by those people.

According to those laws,manu there are six kinds of sons who are heirs to a Man.

Swayamjata - A son born to him and his wife
Prayita - A son born with the blessings of a holy  man.
Putrikaputra - Son of one's daughter
Pawairbhava - A son born after remarriage
Kanina _ A son born to wife before she was married
Bhanja - Son of one's sister

Between the legitamate son of the body, and son begotten on a wife, then the legitamate son inherits father's property.This is justified.As the son born between him and his wife gets precedence over any type of son.

There are the sons who can substitute legitamate sons of the body.

Aurasa - A son born to him and one's wife - this is same as swayamjata

kshetraja - A son born to his wife by  aprocess of niyoga by other man, if the man is dead,or impotent or diseased.Pandu was impotent,so Kunti's sons were born by niyoga by different men.So all the pandavas are the ksetraja sons to pandu.

Datrima (datta) - A child of equal caste given by his parents by affection to another man by a water offering, is a datrima putra.

Kritrima - A son made by a man acquanting him with right and wrong.

Gudhotpanna - A son born in a man's house whose father is not known.He sha;; belong to the manand his mother.

Apaviddha - If a man receives a son if he has been deserted by one or both the parents,then he is a son cast off. This description suits karna.Adiratha found karna after being abandoned by kunti.And he adopted him.So karna is an apaviddha son of Adiratha.

 Kanina - A son whom a damsel secretly bears in the house of her father,then such a son belongs to the man who weds her aftwerwards.

 Kritaka - If a man buys a boy from his parents,then he is called kritaka.

 Sahodha - if one marries a girl who is pregnant at the time of marriage,the the son born will  considered as received with the bride, and be called as sahodha.

 Paunarbhava- if a women abandoned by her husband or a woman after remarriage has a son,then that son is called as paunarbaha son of her second husband.

Swayamdutta - if one lost his parents or abandoned by them,and gives himself to another man, then he is called self given or swayamdutta.

Parasava - one whom a a brahmana begets from a sudra woman is considered alive and he is called as parasava.

Now obviously,if the pandavas are born to pandu,then the question of karna also being an equal heir doesnt arise.But they arent pandu's sons.They are kshetraja sons of pandu.And Karna is a kanina son.
Now since pandu didnt adopt him,we can say he doesnt have rights.But pandu died,kunti has the right to adopt him.If kunti adopts him,then he will have be the jyeshta pandava according to the laws at that time.
And this is the reason why krishna offered karna the kingdom to karna.Since yudhishtira is the king,he wont have any objection to giving the kingdom to karna.The pandavas ruled jointly.Though yudhishtira was the king by name.They headed different aspects of administartion.
As for Adiratha being apaviddha father to Karna,his rights to karna cease the moment Kunti adopts Karna.Karna is not a datta putra who is formerly given by kunti to adiratha.It is adiratha who took karna as a putra,when he was abandoned.When he goes back to kunti,the abandonement is over,and rights over the son cease.But karna can still give pind to adiratha as a father as a pandava.There is no rule that karna should give pind to pandu.
The reason that Bhishma said to yudhishtira that karna is the son of adiratha is that karna hasnt accepted krishna's or kunti's offer of kingdom and went to the pandavas.So Bhishma thought let adiratha give the offering to karna.This should not be taken that karna cant be a pandava,and remans a suta no matter what.This is false.An Apaviddha putra remains a son until he is claimed by his parents.Adiratha's rights as apaviddha father to Karna are overtaken by kunti's rights  to karna as a kanina putra.
I hope people understand this.Some people on the internet have misinterpreted bhishma's statement.I hope we know the real facts now.

The mahabharat war would have happended anyway.if karna joins the pandavas,then he wouldn't have fought against the kauravas.he wont fight agsinst duryodhana who gave him kshatriya status.krishna knew this.Karna would have remained neutral and woudnt have participated in the war.Duryodhana would have gone to war,and would have been defeated and kaurvas including,bhishma,drona would have been killed in the war.Then Karna would have been made king to hastinapura and its allied kingdoms.And Yudhihstira would have been made king of Indraprastha and its allied kingdoms.Krishna had this in mind when he offered kingdom to karna.Pandavas would have been happy.Abhimanyu,upapandavas would have been saved.
krishna didnt offer indraprastha to karna,as it was built by pandavas.But,he didn't want karna to accept this offer,as I will explain this in my later posts.

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