Monday, October 27, 2014

puranas manupulated by bengalis

 Some puranas were manupulated by bengalis after 1000 ce and this manupulation continued till 16th century.The main manuscripts were kept in bengal,and bengali vaishnavas have altered them to make vishnu appear superior to shiva.There are many examples.Padma purana has many fake verses.That verse about the classification of puranas as satvik,tamasic is well known.This is added later by bengali vaishnvas.Some verses were added to condemn certain historic personalities.
Bhagavata has many fake chapters.Shiva going to vishnu and asking him to show mohini's avatar and vishnu showing mohini as a beautiful woman on earth and getting naked,shiva getting excited and running after mohini are all created by begali vaishnavas.Bhagavata has only nine chapters.Bhagavata  might have ended with gajendra moksha or with parashurama avatar.The rest is all fake and added later.The remaining chapters were added after krishna was made god.Bhagavata was written before mahabharata was written.First Rama the king was made god,and then krishna was made god.Shivapurana,Bhagavata,vishnu purana and some puaranas were written before mahabharata was written around 800 bc.Some puranas were written after mahabharata was written.

Friday, October 17, 2014

On bhedabheda

 I didnt know about this cult before sometime.I only thought that there are two sects
visishtadvaita dvaita.But this I came to know much later.This is chaitanya cult which has krishna as god.They have bhagavata,gita as main scriptures.While ramanuja's visishtadvaita says the world is god's body,the atma becomes a part of brahman or vishnu.It attains the state of vishnu as mukti.Madhwa who created dvaita says god or ishwara created jiva and jiva is separate from
ishwara,and mukt means jiva stays in the company of ishwara and
serves him.Though this has been modified by later followers.This behdabheda is gods and his
energies or sun and its rays.So its admitting abheda and bheda like energy is same and different from god,and sun's rays are same and different from sun.So far so good.But before god released his energies,that is before creation what was the state of jiva.It has to be god,as god alone must have existed.So advaita is proved.
Before sun released his rays,there was only sun.So jiva cant be separate from god or brahman.It cant attain an inferior position than what it was before.So this bhedabheda is false theory to justfy their krishna as superior god,and refusing sayujya and maintaning an individual identity.
Even from devotional point of view sayuja cant be denied.The atma cant remian separated from brahman.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

On gods

 In hindu religion we have three gods brahma,vishnu,shiva who are creator,protector,
preservator,protector,destoryer.Since creation is accidental brahma is given a subordinate role.He is given the name of hiranya garbha from the upanishads which is the name of of Ishwara.Vishnu,Shiva are the main gods.Vishnu is the saguna brahman who is the preservator of the world,who establishes dharma,by avatars.Shiva the destoryer is niraguna brahman with saguna qulaities.He is not involved in the world that much.But only destroys living beings,world.It is this aspect of brahman which is superior.
Worshipping shiva can lead to nirguna brahman.Worshipping vishnu wont lead to nirguna brahman.
Thats why shiva's worship is said to be most auspicious.

Vishnu worships shiva becasue he cant kill anyone becasue he doesnt have destroyer powers.So to kill evil people he needs a weapon.So he worships shiva and gets the sudarshana chakra.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

by following fake preachers

 In the last few months I used to have some debates with the admins of facebook page on 'star plus factually incorrect mahabharat'.The admins both men,one a maharashtrian,one from up settled in the us are hardcore chaitanya cult,madhwa cult followers and who think krishna is a god rather than vishnu.Krishna should be seen as an amsh of vishnu only.He is not an independent god.And they used star mahabharata to spread their version of mahabharata.They have written long posts on mahabharata before and now they write on characters.They view on karna is that he is evil,and they used to hype arjuna a lot.I used to counter them and tell them the true facts..But they used to abuse me saying that I am abuser of girls!.Their view is what is spread by the fake preachers of madhwa cult,chaitanya cult.This is derived from madhwa's commentary on Mahbharata.That is also a biased commentary as madhwa started a vashnava cult.They believed that karna was a jealous person,an evil person who was not that virtous.pandavas were greater than him in virtue and Arjuna was greater than him in archery.They are also heavily influenced by madhwa's commentary.They believe the fake preachers who say karna ordered disrobing,karna plotted to kill pandavas with duryodhana on the ghosha yatra.They make the biggest mistake when they think that karna didnt follow krihsna's instructions and before the mahabharat war and join the pandavas!.This shows their ignorance.I have written a post on Karna,Krishna conversation on this blog where karna comapres the war with a maha yagya,and says all the kauravas,bhisma drona and he will be killed.And he rejects the entire aryavarta kingdom and chose to fight as a warrior.This will be seen as a virtue by anyone.But the biased cult followers think karna did the wrong thing here.Here is a  fake preacher views on karna whom the admins believe.
Infact these views seem to be borrowed from madhwa's commentary.This fake preacher is also fake and a self proclaimed preacher.This is the link.
So when people believe some people without reasoning then they are the losers.They dont even know how ignorant they are.

Although I give the benefit to madhwa becasue he might not have said karna is evil.Its the later followers who said that.

Monday, October 6, 2014

vaishnavanam yatha Shambhu

 I heard the phrase vaishnavanam yatha shambhu which is in bhagavatha which is said by suka.Vaishnavites claimed that the following verse says shiva is the biggest devotee of shiva.
I was intrigued by this verse.How could suka say that which goes against the sruti and the puranas like shiva purana.The first interpretation was shambhu is rudra,so rudra can be the biggest devotee of shiva.That looked good,but I was not totally convinced.There is no isntance of rudra being devotee f shiva in puranas,although there are eleven rudras which aid vishnu in slaying demons.Shambhu is one of the rudras.But the verse is part of a larger poem nimagnanaam yatha ganga devanaam achyuto yatha vaishnavanaam yatha shambhu puranaam idam tatha kshetranaam chaiva sarvesaam yatha kashiryanutamaam tatha purana vratanaam srimad bhagavatam dvijah.
The chaitanya cult followers wrongly say nimnaganaam instead of nimagnanaam.Nimagnanaam means among the dippable rivers.So the verse means Among the dippable rivers like ganga,like achyuta among devas,like shambhu among vaishnavas,Among all the kshetras or places like kashi,
among puranas it is bhagavata.This is said by suka in varanasi.Since he talked about ganga,kashi he might have meant shambhu as shiva.Why would he say it,I thought.There are many websites which arer run by chaitanya cult followers claiming that shiva is greatest devotee of vishnu.I thought about this for sometime.Then yesterday it occured to me suddenly.Vaishnavanam doesn't mean among the devotees of vishnu.Vaishnavanaaam here means among the knowers of vishnu!vaishnava means who has the knowledge of vishnu.Who has the most gyaana of vishnu tattva.Vaishnavanaam yatha shambhu means among the knowledgeable ones of vishnu like shiva.Shiva has the full knowledge of vishnu,knows vishnu tattva.He is the nirguna brahman who knows about all.So suka is praising shiva here.Since it is bhagavata the emphasis here is on vishnu.Now some might say the verse devanaam achyuto yatha might mean that vishnu is superior.No,bhagavata lays emphasis on vishnu,but doesn't say vishnu is superior to shiva.It upholds the puranic position that  shiva is slightly superior,but its about vishnu.Here devanaam means among the devas.The devas here are Indra,varuna and others.The demi gods are referred here.Shiva is not refered here.So the verse says vishnu among demi gods and other gods.So vishnu is best among demi gods.Suka isnt contradicting anything here.
Without knowing the true meaning og the verse several websites are misinterpreting the verse vaishnnavanaam yatha shambhu.I hope they realise their mistake and stop this misinterpretation.

Friday, October 3, 2014

On Shiva Vishnu

 I am now starting the topic on shiva,vishnu.The two gods of hindu religion.The two aspects of brahman with different functions.But before I start anything on this,I should state something.
Yesterday,on dussera day,or vijaya dasami as its called I thought of reviving my shiva worship.Its been sometime that I worshipped shiva,so after doing it at night.I sat on a sofa for a few minutes.I relaxed for a while.Then I thought of vishnu,and his avatars,on karna arjuna.
Then I had a vision of vaikuntha doors opening as they show in films,tv serials,then some vision of ocean.
Then outside of the doors I saw a blue,green round light shining with rays.I knew instinctively knew it was vishnu,the saguna brahman.I recogonized the attributes that vushnu is identified with,particularly his name suvrata or someone with good vows.Vishnu is shining with attributes.
Then vishnu said 'I always said that Karna is a great warrior equal to Arjuna,and a great person.
Why do you worry about other people's views.You are a great devotee of shiva and your desires will be fulfilled.'I said vishnu,the saguna brahman and looked at him.I didn't bow to him.Shiva's devotees needn't bow to anyone.I also know that vaishnavas made derogative comments against shiva,
I looked at him with for sometime.Vishnu looked like what he was described.An honest deity who protects and preserves the world.And who knows the greatness of shiva.There was no ego while he spoke to me.Vishnu stayed for sometime.I realised that I had the darshan of Vishnu.Vishnu received the sudarshana chakra from Shiva.That destroyer aspect to protect the world.And his devotees claim that vishnu is superior to Shiva.Vishnu's devotees should learn from vishnu how to be honest.This was a divine experience for me.I had the shiva darshan before,now I had the vishnu darshan now.

Vishnu is the saguna brahman who is the protector,preserver of the world.Shiva is nirguna brahman with some saguna qualities who is the destroyer or transformer of the world,living beings.Vishnu doesnt have the nirguna tattva which is the real nature of brahman.Shiva has the nigruna tattva.
Worship of vishnu will only take a person to some level in spirituality.After that that person has to pursue nigruna brahman or become a devotee of shiva to get to the highest level.Shiva's worship is the direct path to get to nirguna brahman.Vishnu's worship is an indirect path.Vishnu cant take a person to the highest level.Shiva can do that.